Captain Ahmet Dadayli
He worked as seaman and master.
He built the 30 dwt vessel and worked as master on this own vessel.
Captain Mehmet Dadayli (Sener)
He tells that they had been carrying ammunition with above mentioned 30 dwt vessel from Istanbul to Dardanelles.
The 80 dwt sailing boat, named as “DENIZ KAPLANI”, was built in Bartin.
110 dwt double masted vessel, named as “INAYETI BAHRI”, was built in Bartin.
While “INAYETI BAHRI“ was anchored at the Port of Cesme in Izmir she dragged the anchor and sunk due to southwester storm by hitting the rocks.
120 dwt vessel named “SEN KEMAL” was built.
Cpt. M. Kemal Dadaylı (Sener) – Dadaylilar Shipping Group Honorary President Mustafa Kemal Sener
He started to work, at the age of 13, on the vessel named as “SEN KEMAL” which was owned by his father.

The wooden vessel named as “DADAYLI” was launched at the village of Cakraz in Amasra.

He had his Master’s certificate.
Because of the war and business downturn, he worked for Denizcilik İşletmeleri Şehir Hatları, on the ferries for 6 months.
150 dwt wooden vessel named as “SEVINC” was bought by three brothers jointly.
While “SEN KEMAL” was carrying flaxseed from Istanbul to Izmir, she had a collision with a Greek fishing vessel, which the lights were not turned on, and consequently she sunk at Ayvalik/Midilli roads.
“SEN KEMAL” had been hauled from her position and she had been taken to Istanbul by “DADAYLI” and “SEVINC” from the depth of 27 arm span and 55 meters. After then she had been repaired and sold after a while.
Wooden vessel named as “TUFANOGLU” with 200 dwt was bought.

Wooden vessels, from left to right; ‘’Tufanoglu’’ 240 dwt, ‘’Dadayli’’ 180 dwt, ‘’Sevinc’’ 150 dwt.

‘’Dadayli’’ at Gokova roads.

‘’Sevin’’ at Halic roads, from left to right; Sukru Birim, Mehmet Sener, Mustafa Sener, Metin Sener.
450 dwt vessel named as “MEHMET DADAYLI” was built.

At Fethiye, from left to right; Reis Hoca, Lutfu Birim, Mustafa Sener, Adem Hindioglu.
43 dwt “M/V IRO MARU”, which was buit in Japan in 1913, was bought and her name was changed as “DADAYLILAR”. She was scrapped in 1994 at Aliaga.
Building of 950 dwcc “M/V KAZIM DADAYLI” was completed and she started to perform her voyages.
Separation of partnership of the brothers, retirement and handing over to the 4th generation of the family.
Due to the separation of partnership and the vessels, Cpt. M. Kemal Dadayli continued to work with 1050 dwt “DADAYLILAR” which was built in 1913.
600 dwt “M/V SIRIN” was bought which was built in 1982, was bought and her name was changed as “M/V KEMAL DADAYLI”
As a third vessel of the company 1000 dwt “M/V OSMAN UGURLU”, which was built in 1979, was bought. Her name was changed as “M/V MUSTAFA DADAYLI”, her dwt increased to 1350 mts and she was sold in 2009.
650 dwt “M/V KEMAL DADAYLI” was fragmented and the keel was laid for 2300 dwt “M/V H. KEMAL KAPTAN”. She started to trade with Turkish flag in 1998.

Building of “M/V SAFIYE ANA” with 3536 dwt was completed and she started to perform voyages.

The launching ceremony of 5.239 dwt “M/V METIN DADAYLI” was organized and honoured with the participation of the Secretary of Ministry of Transportation on that time.

11.719 dwt and Turkish flagged vessel named as “M/V MUHARREM DADAYLI” was launched into the sea. Her dwt was increased to 13.779 mts in 2019.
From left to right; Mustafa Sener, Huseyin Sener, Mustafa Kemal Sener, Muharrem Sener, Metin Sener.
Two sister bulk carries which were built in 2010 and 2011 were bought and their names were changed as “M/V ERGE” and “M/V ERLE”.

In order to improve the fleet’s age, “M/V H. KEMAL KAPTAN” was sold.